Tuesday 21 June 2011

Storyboard from the words

1. Choose seven words to work
2. Decide what story you can make out of it. I picked; duck, glitter, elephant, sandwich, darkness, pens and buttons
3. My story/dream was; a duck walked into the darkness with a cheese sandwich, he bumped into is elephant friend who was wearing a glitter outfit. All of a sudden it started raining pens and buttons

Pictures for spider,snake and crocodile dream

I HATE these things!!!! ughh

Wednesday 15 June 2011

photo for surrealism

I like this photo because of how restricted it is, the sea seems real however the sky looks placed there instead of it being natural. It reminds me of a ship in a bottle because of how the boat is restricted into a small area and the water is smashing against the side of the box. However the clock is a bit strange as though whatever this photo is about, it's running out of time. Maybe the water level is going to drop or the boat is going to sink.

surrealism photo

Tuesday 14 June 2011


the sky looks like it goes on forever, it never ends and that what's make me think that's it's a dream because nothing really lasts forever.

photo for dreams

the light hits the main focus perfectly and the movement was captured perfectly by the photographer. Also because it's black and white the lighting really creates a dramatic effect.

another old dream

i would start walking up my stairs and then feel something on my foot, i'd look down and see a snake crawl across my foot. i'd look up and see snakes EVERYWHERE hanging from the banisters and ceilings. I'd carefully dodge all the snakes whilst walking up the stairs. I walked into my bedroom (which was massive) and the snakes where there aswell... I tried to walk up the stairs on my old bunk bed and all the snakes started swarming me.... then this jaw shot towards me and then it went completely black. Afterwards it would start again.

old dream

pictures of spiders, crocodiles and snakes flickered in and out of view and then it would go quicker and quicker around in cirlces until I woke up. I had this dream when I was little over and over again.


This is my favourite Surrealism photo

an google image of a girl's dream

I googled 'Dreams' and this photo came up. I like the different harmonies of colours and the mixture of the dreams.

First post

My name is Siobhan. I've never done a blog before and originally I was going to document everything in a book. I'm getting the hang of everything and i love that you can change your background to anything you like. This seems easier to use than a book because you can post videos on here but with books you'll have to put a CD in the book.